I changed my http server from Apache to OpenLiteSpeed and had a few problems. One of them was that I could not change the running user and group of OpenLiteSpeed.
Just changing the configuration file “/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf” and rebooting OpenLiteSpeed doesn’t work. It looked working but I noticed there were a number of user-related anomalies when accessing files with PHP, such as not being able to see the server log or live feed on the Admin console.
The solution is to change the user and group in the above file, then reinstall OpenLiteSpeed with the following command.
apt -y install --reinstall openlitespeed # below may not necessary rm -rf /tmp/lshttpd systemctl restart lshttpd
I don’t know why this is necessary, but if you don’t do this, the user of the file you create via OpenLiteSpeed will not be the user of the configuration file.
I used the command “apt” because I’m using Ubuntu. It may be a phenomenon peculiar to Debian systems, and this “reinstall thing” may not be necessary for Redhat systems such as Centos.