OS IT Support

Fixed : “.user.ini” doesn’t work in OpenLiteSpeed

I changed my http server from Apache to OpenLiteSpeed and had a few problems. One of them is that “.user.ini” file does not work on OpenLiteSpeed.

Instead of using “.user.ini”, you can use the [php.ini Override] setting from [General] tab of the virtual hosts setting on the Admin console.

As a side note, I failed many times when I set up this from the Admin console until I modified the virtual host configuration file directly and rebooted the system from command line using “vi” and “systemctl restart lshttpd”.

After this manually changing, the change from the Admin console is working too.

It might be my simple mistake, but I am writing this side note in the hope that it might be helpful to you.

My setting of [php.ini Override] in the virtual host config file is below.

phpIniOverride  {
  php_value default_charset "SJIS"
  php_value mbstring.language "neutral"
  php_value mbstring.internal_encoding "SJIS"
  php_value date.timezone "Asia/Tokyo"
  php_value error_reporting E_ERROR