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How to get a file URL after upload a file using NextCloud APIs

I’ll show you a PHP code how to upload a local file and get the URL (FileID) from your NextCloud server for your reference.

 * Get a internl link URL after uploading a local file.
 * @param string $upFileFullPath The file Path of the file you want to upload
 * @param string $dstFolder the dstination folder path of your NextCloud environment.
 * @param string $nextCloudURL the URL of your NextCloud like ""
 * @param string $userName Account name of your NextCloud
 * @param string $password Account password of your NextCloud
 * @return string|bool return the internal link URL. return false when error occured.
function upFileAndGetInternalLink($upFileFullPath, $dstFolder, $nextCloudURL, $userName, $password){

	if (!is_file($upFileFullPath)){ return false; }
	$fileName = basename($upFileFullPath);
	if (substr($nextCloudURL, -1) != '/'){ $nextCloudURL .= '/'; }
	if (substr($dstFolder, -1) != '/'){ $dstFolder .= '/'; }

	$apiOfTheUpFile = $nextCloudURL . 'remote.php/dav/files/' . $dstFolder . $fileName;


	$cmd = "curl -T '" . $upFileFullPath . "' -u '" . $userName . ":" . $password . "' '" . $apiOfTheUpFile . "'";
	echo $cmd;
	$ret = exec($cmd, $aryOutput, $resultCode);
	if ($ret === false || $resultCode != 0){ return false; }

	$cmd = "curl -u '" . $userName . ":" . $password . "' '" . $apiOfTheUpFile . "' -X PROPFIND --data '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:">
		<d:prop xmlns:oc="">
				<oc:fileid />

	$ret = exec($cmd, $aryOutput, $resultCode);
	if ($ret === false || $resultCode != 0){ return false; }

	$ret = str_replace(':','',$ret);
	$xml = simplexml_load_string($ret);
	$fileId = (string)$xml->dresponse->dpropstat->dprop->ocfileid;

	return $nextCloudURL . "index.php/f/" . $fileId;


How to use the function

$upFileFullPath = '/td/dr/hogehoge.xlsx'; // the uploaded file name will be "hogehoge.xlsx" as same as this file name.
$nextCloudURL = ''; // your nextcloud URL
$dstFolder = '/YourName/All/'; // $dstFolder always starts from your account name. The path is after the "data" dir of your NextCloud environment.
$userName = 'YourName';
$password = 'xH6Jk-Hkdje-OPalkd-J4PCn-mqxMW'; // app password

echo upFileAndGetInternalLink($upFileFullPath, $dstFolder, $nextCloudURL, $userName, $password);